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Watton and Brandesburton Morleys, East Riding of Yorkshire
Added on 2013-02-04
Forename patterns | Francis, Jonathan, Moses, Peter |
First recorded | 1715 Brandesburton, Yorkshire Watton, Yorkshire |
Longest association | 14 years Brandesburton, Yorkshire Watton, Yorkshire |
Last recorded | 1729 Brandesburton, Yorkshire Watton, Yorkshire |
Marker Count | 2 |
Code | 12 view on map |
Y-DNA | no known test candidates |
Theorised origin | Yorkshire or Lincolnshire |
Possible offshoot of | |
Notes | Recurrence of names used in Wennington and Halifax Morley families. Coincidence or not? |
Markers last changed | 2013-02-04 |
Abundance | Probably extinct |
Title | Start Year | End Year | Added | Updated |
Brandesburton, Yorkshire |
1715 | 1729 | 2013-02-04 | 2013-02-04 |
Watton, Yorkshire |
1715 | 1729 | 2013-02-04 | 2013-02-04 |